

Some tiny paintings I did for my childrens bedroom...It's acrylic on canvas, and that really was a lot of fun to do!
I'm considering doing some more.
I've also posted the quick photoshop sketches I generally do before actually painting for real!


Post it!

CG animation gives you the opportunity to draw a bit more for yourself than traditional animation, for several reasons...I really miss the contact with paper, so when waiting for a render, a meeting or anything else, throwing a couple of doodles on post its seems a good solution to kill time...
However, when it comes to scanning them, you wish you had surfed the web instead...
There's a lot of crappy drawings in there, but I liked the overall feeling of it....


King of the Apes

This is a drawing I did that was part of a self published book by CTN, in honor of Ronald Searles 90th birthday.
I don't know what went through my mind that day, because nothing's related to any idea of a birthday celebration!
Whatever! I think I was feeling like drawing a monkey king...

The Boogeyman

I think the title is kind of self explanatory...

it's a start!

That's it! I finally started my very own blog...
And I'm so proud of it! It just took me two weeks to understand how to make it work, but now I have a life online!

Yippi kiai!