
Post it!

CG animation gives you the opportunity to draw a bit more for yourself than traditional animation, for several reasons...I really miss the contact with paper, so when waiting for a render, a meeting or anything else, throwing a couple of doodles on post its seems a good solution to kill time...
However, when it comes to scanning them, you wish you had surfed the web instead...
There's a lot of crappy drawings in there, but I liked the overall feeling of it....

8 commentaires:

  1. Haaa mortel! :D Je découvre et je sens que je vais aimer ce blog!

  2. des baffes de 5cm carre plein la gueule.

    ca devrait sentir le bouquin, moi je dis.....


  3. ah ben oui, la evidemment, ca cartonne.

  4. Ah bein ça bosse dur à ce que je vois !

  5. Hah! They're all great, but especially the 12 th down, 22nd across!

  6. ahh your work is beautifulll! i love your designs!
